The purpose of Balbriggan Baptist Church is to glorify God and enjoy God by bringing lost people to Jesus and to responsible church involvement, to be nurtured towards Christlike maturity, and to be prepared for ministry in the church and witness in the world.
We have a very diverse population with representatives from nearly every continent in the world in attendance.
We believe that the church belongs to Jesus, and so must be open to being renewed by Him. As He was in the world, so we also need to be! That means we are to be authentic. And being real in the real world means that we are to live and love as our hearts are constantly being refreshed and transformed.
Why is this so? Even though the Scriptures say we are brought into relationship with the living God by His lavish kindness, the problem is we leak that grace by which we are saved!
What happens? We become stale and programmed, and that won’t do!
God loves to bring us to the place of knowing we need Him, so that He can prove that His strength is seen through our weakness. That’s called grace empowered living, and nothing else will do!
Our church believes that to become authentic, relevant and alive, means nothing less than believing the gospel in our hearts not just in the heads! – it is a life to be lived! Jesus said: “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent” (John 17:3).
Let us give you a snapshot of how we desire to live that way in our life together.
The Scriptures say that the early church did not meet in lavish buildings. They met as a community in two different ways: one, as a gathered people in celebration, and two, in small groups for relationship. Someone has likened this to a bird with two wings. Both are needed to fly. We desire to be a two-winged church, meeting not just as a worshipping community but also in small groups during the week. With God in the midst of His people, we want to learn by practice how to meet needs and show real love.
A renewed church, a vibrant worship, a church of Home groups, a vibrant Sunday School for the children, and godly homes. That’s a vision for a renewed church by its Founder Jesus Christ, and that’s what we are all about!
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